WHYMANT, A. Neville J..

Title A Mongolian Grammar: outlining the Khalka Mongolian with notes on the Buriat, Kalmuck, and Ordoss Mongolian.
Publisher London Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner
Date 1926
Book ID 38438
First Edition  


Small 8vo., vii+74[ii]pp.. Neat, interesting ink annotations to some six pages. Otherwise clean. A good tight hardback first edition in original blue cloth. Endearingly dedicated to "My mother who amid my bizarre and difficult studies never wearied of impressing upon me the value of simplicity" This is possible the first grammar of Mongolian written iin the West. A. Neville Whymant was a professor of linguistics and orientalist as well as author of books on the Chinese and their languages. He was also involved in and wrote on a famous case of spiritualism (psychic research) in 1925.
Price: £40.00

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