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WHITE, Joseph.

Title Actuum Apostolorum et Epistolarum tam Catholicarum quam Paulinarum, versio Syriaca Philoxeniana. Epistles of Paul. Tomus Secundus Espistolas Paulinas Complectens. Glocester Ridley's MSS edited and translated into Latin. Syriac text with Latin translation. ex Codice Ms. Ridleiano in Bibl. Coll. Nov. Oxon. Reposito nunc primum edita: cum interpretatione et annotationibus Josephi White, S. T. P.:
Publisher Oxford Clarendon
Date 1803
Book ID 33034


Quarto, contemporary publisher's boards xxxiii+399pp. Volume two (Epistles of Paul - complete). Very occasional contemporary ink annotations. Spine torn, boards loose. Contents in excellent condition but would need rebinding. Parallel Syriac and Latin text. Collectable; Good Joseph White held the position of Laudian Chair of Arabic at Oxford, after completing his studies in Syriac, Arabic, and Persian, and later in 1804 became the eminent Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. White published widely in the areas of textual studies of Near Eastern languages and Greek. Glocester Ridley's MSS - Epistles of Paul - edited and translated into Latin. Syriac text with Latin translation.
Price: £50.00

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