
Title Statut Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego naprzód, za czasów zmarłego hospodara Zygmunta III, w Krakowie w roku 1588. The last edition of the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1819. [Paskutinis LDK] Drugl raz w Wilnie, w roku 1619... Z przyłożeniem pod artykuły Konstytucyi Seymowych od seymu roku 1550 aż do seymu roku 1690... piąty raz, za nayiaśniejszego Augusta Trzeciego po dwakroć za nayiaśniejszego króla Stanisława Augusta, z przydatkiem Summaryuszów, Praw i Konstytucyy od roku 1764 do roku 1786; te
Publisher W Wilnie Wilno Vilnius Antoni Marcinowski
Date 1819
Book ID 38759


Folio, 35 x 21 cm. Contemporary half leather over marbled boards. Spine ruled in compartments with decorative floral device and label. Signatures in order. [22]+356+[98]+18+[11]+ 47 pp.. Neat stamp to front free endpaper date 1860 in ink. Annotation and tale in contemporary ink to f.e.p. verso. Followed by title page with decorative ruled margin. Contemporary ink inscription dated 1820. Generally a very nice copy. Spine ends and corners a little bruised, boards rather rubbed with a small loss of marbled paper to both boards but inoffensively so. Internally paper crisp, no tears, clean. Last edition of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Polish. It is the reprinted sixth edition of 1786 with no changes. The Statute was valid until 1840, when Russian laws were imposed in Lithuania. The legal code was published by Antoni Marcinowski (Wilno drukarnia ; 1817-1862).
Price: £1,500.00

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