Title Belgium and Holland: including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. With 19 maps, 37 plans of towns, and 8 ground plans. Fifteenth edition, revised and augmented.
Publisher Leipzig Karl Baedeker
Date 1910
Book ID 38607


Usual red cloth, gilt, lxxxii+489pp, all maps and plans complete as called for, two silk markers. Excellent. An exceptionally nice copy, bright cloth, clean and tight. Contemporary inscription in pencil and in ink to f.e.p. and half title: ‘Batty’, 15 Alexandra Rd., Southport. Sept. 15, 1913.This copyis the actual 1910 edition as listed on paste-down, priced at 6 marks. This same edition was reprinted after the war in 1919 at a different price.
Price: £40.00

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