Title Österreich-Ungarn [Oesterreich]: nebst Cetinje, Belgrad, Bukarest. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 75 Karten, 76 Plänen, 7 Grundrissen und 2 Panoramas. Neunundzwanzigste Auflage.
Publisher Leipzig Karl Baedeker
Date 1913
Book ID 38641


Usual red cloth, gilt. xl[16]+588pp.. Silk markers. All maps, plans, floor plans and panoramas as called for, including 16pp Vienna Strassenverzeichnis. Loosely enclosed Baedeker slip regarding option to bind in parts. A very good copy. Complete. Cloth bright, internally very tight, clean. Small light mark to upper cover, main folding map a little untidily torn at fold but no loss. Mild foxing to that map and title page. 29th edition. Important and last issue. Published a year before the outbreak of war and the eventual break-up of the Empire, and, unlike many earlier editions covering the whole of Austria-Hungary from Trieste, to Vienna, to Bosnia, Transylvania, Hungary and Austrian Galicia. Hinrichsen D 196
Price: £200.00

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