BAEDEKER, Karl (Eduard Reusch)

Title Tirol: Vorarlberg, Westliches Salzburg, Hochkärnten. Reisehandbuch. Mit 36 Karten, 6 Plänen, 8 Panoramen, 6 Stadtwappen. Einundvierzigste Auflage.
Publisher Leipzig Karl Baedeker
Date 1943
Book ID 38624
First Edition  


Forty first edition but first and only thus. LVIII+350pp., all maps and plans as called for. An excellent copy in very good condition. Bright cloth, clean and tight. Complete. All maps as called for. Spine just a little sunned. A scarce issue. The last and one of the most unusual editions of this title published. Very few copies were distributed. Issued 1943. ”Heute ist Großdeutschland .. vom 13. März 1938 Wirklichkeit geworden, und damit auch Tirol...” As in all publishing of the era, Nazi propaganda is evident. Hinrichsen D171.
Price: £450.00

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