Title The English Teacher. Fiction: A Novel of Live (sic) in India. Guild Books No. A 14. Austrian Edition.
Publisher The British Publishers Guild
Date n.d.
Book ID 37501


Reprint. Original covers in dust-wrapper with white on brown design. 216 pp.. Misspelling to subtitle on upper-cover. Printed in Vienna by Vorwärts K. G.. Text in English. Generally in very good condition but dust-wrapper torn at folds (no loss) and a little worn. This copy is one of the rare ‘Guild Books Continental Editions’. It was first published in 1945 by Eyre & Spottiswoode. The paperbound Guild Books series (published between 1941 and 1955) was intended to compete with Penguin Books using ‘collective’ publishing. The British Publishers Guild, initially led by George Harrap, consisted of publishers banding together to publish cheaply in a popular format.
Price: £12.00

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