Title Cours de Berbère Marocain [Berber - Tamazight]: Dialecte du Maroc Central. Zemmour, Beni Mtir, Beni Mguild, Zayan, Ait Sgougou, Ichqern. Troisième édition. Bibliothèque de l institut des hautes études marocaines. Tome II.
Publisher Paris Librarie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner
Date 1939
Book ID 38334


Original printed paper wrappers, xxii+323pp.. A good copy. Clean and tight. The Berber languages, also known as the Amazigh languages or Tamazight, are a branch of the Afroasiatic language family. They comprise a group of closely related but mostly mutually unintelligible languages spoken by Berber communities, who are indigenous to North Africa.
Price: £16.00

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