Title Cyganie w Polsce: dzieje i obyczaje [Original Polish edition of Gypsies of Poland]
Publisher Warsaw Warszawa Interpress
Date 1989
Book ID 36645
First Edition  


Quarto. A very good copy, as new, in original unclipped dust-wrapper. 116pp of text [in Polish], 207 illustrations including both b/w and colour plates. Text in Polish. Used; Like New Jerzy Ficowski 1924 - 2006, Warsaw was a Polish poet, writer and translator, translating from Yiddish, Romani, Russian and Hungarian. He was a member of the Polish resistance during WWII. After the war, Ficowski returned to Warsaw and enrolled at the university to study philosophy and sociology. From 1948 to 1950 Ficowski travelled with Polish Gypsies and published a number of works on this subject.
Price: £18.00

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