Title | Dva rasskaza (Two Stories) Sluchai na stantsii Krechetovka, Matrenin dvor (Incident at Kretchetovka station, Matryona's house) |
Publisher | London Flegon Press |
Date | n.d. |
Book ID | 34150 |
Original yellow stapled card covers, 55pp.. Flegon Press address on last page, no date. Presumed 1963. Very crisp, clean. Appears unused.
Used; Very Good
Rare copy published by Flegon taken from Novy Mir 1. "The first books of Solzhenitsyn which I published were... interesting from a political point of view or as good literature like the story 'Matryona's House', for example (the sole work of Solzhenitsyn which can be considered successful from a literary view point)... "