Title Tito's Plot against Europe. The Story of the Rajk Conspiracy.
Publisher London Lawrence & Wishart
Date 1949
Book ID 32524
First Edition  


Original pink covers printed in blue. 124pp.. A very good copy. Used; Very Good The author was "... son of a Russian-French father and a Polish-English mother was born into the world of the cultured bourgeoisie... he (went) first to a prep school in Redhill, where the combination of being bookish, Jewish and French proved a hindrance to wide popularity, and then to St Paul’s, where he flourished and claimed to be the school’s first Jewish boy... (later) becoming a contributor to Cockburn’s scurrilous news-sheet The Week led him into the Communist Party for the next two decades of his life. Bad eyesight confined him to civilian duties during the war but he wrote several books while in the Communist Party, including 'Tito’s plot against Europe' " Later in life, after many years of publishing communist books and pamphlets, he produced half a dozen spy thrillers!
Price: £12.00

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