Title Colloqui con Umberto II e in appendice, colloqui con Vittorio Emanuele III.
Publisher Rome Roma A Fantera
Date 1949
Book ID 37236
First Edition  


Photo illustrated card covers, b/w photos inside. In good condition and complete but upper cover detached (present) and paper yellowing. Giulio Cerrina-Feroni's (governor of Somalia and Eritrea) visiting-card loosely inside. Used; Very Good Eileen wife of John Holroyd Reece (born Johann Hermann Reiss) of the Albatross Modern Continental Library and Tauchnitz. "Per la prima volta la verita sulla monarchia, i contatti dei Savoia con Mussolini, con Hitler, con gli Allieati, Eccezionale documentazione." Author's presentation copy to Eileen Holroyd Reece, Rome, 1949. Giulio Cerrina-Feroni's (governor of Somalia and Eritrea) visiting-card loosely inside.
Price: £30.00

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