Title | Sion: Evreiskii-Palestinskii Sbornik. СІОНЪ СІОНЪ Еврейский Палестинский сборникь. издание В. Бермана. Published by V. Berman. V’ipusk’ I-’ii. First issue. [Russian Jewish-Palestinian Periodical]. Dedicated to Leon Pinsker (who had just died). |
Publisher | St. Petersburg C -Peterburg. Са́нкт-Петербу́рг Berman |
Date | 1892 |
Book ID | 38727 |
First Edition |
Tall 8vo., bound in contemporary half leather, raised bands to spine with gilt flower device, title in Roman letters. Marbled boards and endpapers. III+319pp.. Text in Russian.
Some scuffing of leather at spine ends and edges. Normal browning of front and end matter. Else very good. Appears unused.
Jewish Palestinian Periodical published in Petersburg in 1892. First issue. Possibly only issue. Published by and preface by V.Berman (St.Petersburg, December 1891). A periodical devoted to the colonisation of Palestine by Jews from Russia. Includes obituaries of Leon Pinsker and Heinrich Graetz. A different periodical under the same name was published in Odessa during the 1860s.