MITCHELL, The Very Rev. James (1830-1911)

Title Significant Etymology or Roots, Stems, and Branches of the English Language.
Publisher London William Blackwood and Sons
Date 1908
Book ID 38679
First Edition  


8vo., original green cloth, spine lettered gilt. x[ii]+479pp.. Board edges rubbed, spine head just a little nicked. Foxing of preliminaries and endmatter common with this paper type. However, a good tight copy. Clean internally. James Mitchell (1830–1911) Scottish minister and benefactor. Amongst his social improvements in his home town of Leith, he organised funds for a navigation school, a free soup kitchen and a lodging house for homeless men. He also encouraged the planting of trees in Leith’s park. Commenting on his own philological work, James is quoted as saying “I have called it 'significant' etymology, because only those roots are given - which throw light upon the signification of the words derived from them". In his preface he explains that the work “is not written for philologists”.. “but for thoughtful men and women...”.
Price: £40.00

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