LENEY, Terttu

Title Teach Yourself Finnish (Book with cassette-tape in pack)
Publisher London Teach Yourself Books
Date 2003
Book ID 31688


As new. Unused. Plastic boxed set includes 384pp coursebook and 1 x 90-minute audio cassette tape. Used; Like New For self-study or class use. 90 mins audio material. Learn to speak, understand and write. Progress quickly. Explore language in depth. Teach Yourself Finnish is the course for anyone who wants to progress quickly from the basics to understanding, speaking and writing Finnish with confidence. Although aimed at those with no previous knowledge, it is equally suitable for anyone wishing to brush up existing knowledge for a holiday or business trip. Key structures and vocabulary are introduced in 18 thematic units progressing from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations to talking about work and driving in Finland.
Price: £8.00

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