Title | Parlons Komi [Zyran Zyrian]: Une langue finno-ougrienne de Russie. |
Publisher | Paris L’Harmattan |
Date | 2006 |
Book ID | 38307 |
First Edition |
P/b., 292pp., publisher’s list.
A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. As new.
Descriptive grammar as well as a survey of the Komi culture and history. Text in French. The Komi Republic (Russian: Республика Коми), is a republic of Russia. Its capital is the city of Syktyvkar. Komi also known as Zyran, Zyrian or Komi-Zyryan (зыран коми кыв), is one of the two regional varieties of the pluricentric Komi language, the other regional variety being Permyak.