RIFKIN, Benjamin and KAGAN, Olga with Anna Yatsenko.

Title Advanced Russian through History. Dela davno minuvshikh dnei. CD included.
Publisher New Haven and London Yale University Press
Date 2007
Book ID 37536
First Edition  


Quarto. Large p/b with CD. 5 maps. 20.5 x 25cm.. xix+238 pp.. In very good condition. Clean, bright and tight. Appears unused. Russian reader for students working towards advancedlevel proficiency in Russian. Thirty-six chapters focusing on the history of Russia, from Kievan Rus' to the post-Soviet era. Each chapter accompanying a corresponding mini-lecture and related learning tasks on the Web. The tasks are designed to promote students' abilities to understand and produce argument in the style of scholarly discourse, both in speech and in writing.
Price: £30.00

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