POPA, Vasko (Anne Pennington, Ted Hughes)

Title Vasko Popa Collected Poems 1943 - 1976. Translated by Anne Pennington with an introduction by Ted Hughes.
Publisher Manchester Carcanet
Date 1978
Book ID 37463
First Edition  


Blue cloth, gilt lettered spine. xiii+194pp.. A good tight, clean copy. No dust-wrapper. Owner name on label to paste-down. Vasko Popa is one of the great post-war European poets. From surrealist fable to traditional folk-tale, from personal anecdote to tribal myth, Popa's poetry embodies in an original form the most profound imaginative truths of our age, precisely located in the reality and history of Serbia, in the heart of Central Europe. His "Collected Poems" is an essential work of our time.
Price: £16.00

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