Nabokov, Vladimir

Title Despair.
Illustrator Mayhew, John
Publisher London Weidenfeld & Nicholson
Date 1966
Book ID 37088


A very good copy in original unclipped dust-wrapper (designed by John Mayhew). Very clean and tight. Used; Very Good A somewhat briefer version of this novel originally appeared in Playboy in the United States. The Russian text of Despair (Otchayanie) was written in 1932 in Berlin and first published in book form in 1936. As described in Nabokov's own foreword to the book after a number of formats, this version was completed in 1965. Reprinted by Photolithography in Great Britain by Bookprint Limited, Kingswood and Crawley. Price 25s on dust-wrapper.
Price: £45.00

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