[A. F. Marx А. Ф. Маркс Publishing and Printing Company].

Title Niva Нива 1907 - issues 1 - 52. Complete year. Illyustrirovannii zhurnal literatury i sovremennoi zhizni. Иллюстрированный журнал литературы, политики и современной жизни. № 1-52. 1907 год. Illustrated journal of literary and contemporary life.
Publisher St. Petersburg C -Peterburg. Са́нкт-Петербу́рг A. F. Marx А. Ф. Маркс
Date 1907
Book ID 38758
First Edition  


Quarto, 23 x 30 cm.. Contemporary library periodical binding in quarter leather, title and date gilt stamped to spine. Complete 52 issues for 1907 with index. c. 16 pp per issue. 858 pp.. paginated consecutively. Illustrated throughout in b/w. Heavy - weighs 2.5 Kg. Condition is fair to good. Binding marked, showing signs of age and wear. Internally most is in good condition and all pages clean. Some preliminary pages are loose with no loss, joint cracked towards back with corresponding detaching of leaves. However no loss. Three small cuttings have been taken from respective pages. Niva [Нива] popular magazine published between 1870 and 1918 founded by noted publisher A. F. Marx. The periodical defined itself as "an illustrated weekly journal of literature, politics and modern life." Along with more genre type illustrations and literature, these 1907 issues include work by Aleksandr Blok, Nadezhda Teffi, Kornei Chukhovsky, Polyxena Solovyova (Allegro), Valery Bryusov Bilibin and Michail Nesterov amongst others. Many articles cover new science, one is on the great Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. Lighthouses, hot-air balloons, psephographs all feature. In one issue is an uncommon photograph of the Imperial family. There is a feature on Lev Tolstoi and many photographs of the members of the State Duma [Государственная дума. Gosudarstvennaya Duma]. N. Oblonsky’s name neatly stamped in Roman letters to f.e.ps. and a number of early pages.
Price: £400.00

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