Title | Norway, Sweden and Denmark:with (Sketch of Norwegian and Swedish Grammar) with excursions to Iceland and Spitzbergen. Handbook for Travellers. With 62 maps and 42 plans and ground plans and three panoramas. Tenth edition. Revised and augmented. Reprint 1919. |
Publisher | Leipzig Karl Baedeker |
Date | 1919 |
Book ID | 38594 |
Usual limp red cloth, gilt. lx+478pp., 38pp. Grammar guide bound in back with original covers.
Internally complete and clean but due to materials of the time many segments loose.
Interesting unusual 1912 edition but issued after war - in 1919. Apparent is the inferior quality of the binding and glue. Faux stippled cloth over usual cloth spine. Last English edition in series.
C.f. Shapero 280 and 281.