MANDELSHTAM, Osip Mandel'stam. Осип Mандельштам (G P Struve and B A Filipoff)

Title Osip Mandelshtam Collected Works in Three Volumes. Собрание сочинений. В трех томах. Sobraniye Sochinenii. V trekh tomakh. Volume One: Poetry. Volume Two Prose. Volume Three Essays, Letters. Second edition, revised and expanded.
Publisher Washington Вашингтон Vashington Inter-Language Literary Associates
Date 1969
Book ID 37091


In three uniform volumes, cloth-backed, paper-covered boards, lettered and stamped in gilt. Heavy set, 3Kg. extra payment may be required for shipping overseas. Very Good. An excellent set, little used. Some usual fading to board edges and margins. Осип Эмильевич Мандельштам (1891-1938). Volumes one (1967) and two (1971), second revised and expanded edition: Introduced by Prof. Clarence Brown, Prof. G P Struve and E. M. Rais. Volume Three (1969), first edition: Introduced by Prof. George Ivask, Nikita Struve and Boris Filipoff.
Price: £200.00

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