MANDELSHTAM, Osip Mandel'stam. Осип Mандельштам (G P Struve and B A Filipoff)

Title Osip Mandelshtam Collected Works in Two Volumes. Собрание сочинений. в двух томах. Sobraniye Sochinenii. V dvukh tomakh. Volume One (Only): Poetry. All texts in Russian.
Publisher Washington Вашингтон Vashington Inter-Language Literary Associates
Date 1969
Book ID 38772
First Edition  


First edition thus. Volume One. Card covers, lettered and stamped in gilt. cv+553[iii]pp., b/w plates. A good plus copy. Edges and margins sunned, spine chipped at tail, corners turned at leading corner affecting some 30 leaves with no loss. Clean and tight. Осип Эмильевич Мандельштам (1891-1938). Volume one (1964) and two (1971), second revised and expanded edition: Introduced by Prof. Clarence Brown, Prof. G P Struve and E. M. Rais. Volume Three (1969), first edition: Introduced by Prof. George Ivask, Nikita Struve and Boris Filipoff.
Price: £50.00

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