AKHMATOVA, Anna (Mstislav Dobuzhinsky)

Title Podorozhnik [Plantain]. Stikhotvoreniia
Illustrator Dobuzhinsky Dobuzhinskii, Mstislav
Publisher Petrograd Petersburg Petropolis
Date 1921
Book ID 36051
First Edition  


A very attractive publication. A good copy. Clean and tight. 9x12cm, original rather fragile printed decorated covers in yellow and black, Yapp edges. Owner's initials and date 1921 neatly to f.e.p.. Upper cover detached but intact and present; edges a little chipped in places, internally excellent. Cover design, frontis. and publisher's mark by the artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. One of 1000 printed. Used; Very Good First printing of this collection of 38 poems written between 1917 and 1919. Hellyer 610. Kilgour 7.
Price: £500.00

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