PUSHKIN, A. S.. (1799-1837). А. С. Пушкин (illus. Parilov and Dudorov)

Title Ruslan i Ludmila [in Russian]. Poema. Руслан и Людмила (Поэма). Illustrations by Palekh artists B. Parilov and V. Dudorov. Рисунки художников Палеха. Б. Парилов и В. Дудоров.
Illustrator Parilov, Dudorov;
Publisher Moscow. Moskva. Москва Detskaya Literatura. Детская литература.
Date 1964
Book ID 38751
First Edition  


Tall quarto, white cloth decorative design in red and gilt. Decorative endpapers. Many charming ‘ Palekh- Палех’ colour plates with coloured decorative end and tail pieces. In very good condition. Clean and bright. Small mark to upper board. No dust-wrapper. First thus.
Price: £45.00

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