MOLOK, Yu (Ed.) et al, O V Tvorogov.

Title "Slovo o polku Igoreve" v gravyurakh V A Favorskogo. /Risunki. Eskizi. Gravyuri/ (V A Favorsky and The Lay of Igor in Engravings). Text in Russian with English summary.
Publisher Moscow Moskva Iskusstvo
Date 1987
Book ID 36487
First Edition  


Large 8vo., a very good copy in original dust-wrapper. Clean and tight. 258pp.,very many colour and b/w plates. Translation of the epic poem by Tvorogov loosely enclosed. Used; Very Good This book on V A Favorsky and 'The Lay of Igor's Host' in Engravings was published to celebrated the epic poem's 800th anniversary. Favorsky first illustrated a small-size edition of the Lay of Igor in the 1930s. Text in Russian with short English summary.
Price: £10.00

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