Title Prints Lutonya Lutonia [Prince Lutonia] Vstupitel'naya stat'ya i primechaniya A.Efremina. Risunki Petra Alyakrinskogo; graviroval Ivan Pavlov.
Illustrator Alyakrinsky Petr Alexandrovich
Publisher Moscow Moskva Izdatel'stvo vsesoyuznogo obschestva politkatorzhan i ssyl'no-poselentsev
Date 1933
Book ID 36395
First Edition  


Illustrated throughout in-text by Alyakrinsky. In very good condition, dust-wrapper professionally repaired. Used; Very Good Three-tone wrap-round dust-wrapper illustration by graphic-artist and theatre designer, Petr Alexandrovich Alyakrinsky. Vasily Stepanovich Kurochkin (1831-1875) started writing poetry while in the Russian army. He became one of Russia's most prominent satirists. He was a founder member of the influential satirical Iskra magazine and in 1861 Kurochkin joined the underground radical group Zemlya i Volya.A good copy in original dust-wrapper. Clean and tight. Portrait frontis., original plain cloth boards, decorated dust-wrapper by P Alyakrinsky.
Price: £150.00

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