[LANDAU, Adolph (estab.), DUBNOW, S. M. et al]

Title Voskhod appendix. Evreiskaya Zhizn v izobrazhenii evreiskikh bytopisatelei. [’Jewish Life as depicted by Jewish Writers of Life’]. Еврейская жизнь в изображении еврейских бытописателей. Восход.
Publisher St. Petersburg C -Peterburg. Са́нкт-Петербу́рг Voskhod Восход
Date 1903
Book ID 38728
First Edition  


Original printed paper covers. 266pp.. In very good condition. A little browning at edges, spine delicated and a little chipped. Appears little used. “Jewish Life as depicted by Jewish Writers of Life”, published as a form of appendix of Voskhod. “The appendices to Voskhod included some very historically valuable works” (Wiki). This issue includes translations into Russian, from Hebrew and Yiddish, of contributions by Sholem Aleichem (Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich), Isaac Leib Peretz, Sholem Yankev Abramovich (Mendele Mocher Sforim), Peretz (Peter) Smolenskin, Mordecai Spector. Voskhod was a monthly magazine dedicated to the interests of Jews. Considered moderately nationalist Voskhod (Sunrise) saw itself as a bridge between Russian and Jewish culture. It repeatedly came into conflict with Russian censorship, not least because of the reports on pogroms and anti-Jewish regulations.
Price: £200.00

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