Title "Zhivaya rêch" [Living Speech. Chrestomathy: Selections from Russian authors]. Hristomatiya dlya izucheniya russkago yazyka. Chast’ pervaya. Chast vtoraya. Russkaya Bibloteka.
Publisher London Richard Jaschke
Date 1920
Book ID 10796
First Edition  


First edition thus. Original printed wrappers, in 2 vols.. viii+96pp., vii+104pp., 15cm x 10.5cm. A lovely set, appear unused. Used; Very Good "Living Speech". Selections from Russian authors for students. With explanations of difficult words and idioms. Accented text. The German born Richard Jäschke established a foreign-language bookshop and publishing house in London in the 1900s. Most publications were on the Russian language in printed wrappers and are now very scarce. The business was eventually bought by his employee Anton Zwemmer in 1922 and became world's leading art bookshop.
Price: £10.00

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